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SearchForAccountsData: object

Type declaration


optional applicationId: number

Application ID


optional assetId: number

Asset ID


optional authAddr: string

Include accounts configured to use this spending key.


optional currencyGreaterThan: number

Results should have an amount greater than this value. MicroAlgos are the default currency unless an asset-id is provided, in which case the asset will be used.


optional currencyLessThan: number

Results should have an amount less than this value. MicroAlgos are the default currency unless an asset-id is provided, in which case the asset will be used.


optional exclude: ("all" | "assets" | "created-assets" | "apps-local-state" | "created-apps" | "none")[]

Exclude additional items such as asset holdings, application local data stored for this account, asset parameters created by this account, and application parameters created by this account.


optional includeAll: boolean

Include all items including closed accounts, deleted applications, destroyed assets, opted-out asset holdings, and closed-out application localstates.


optional limit: number

Maximum number of results to return. There could be additional pages even if the limit is not reached.


optional next: string

The next page of results. Use the next token provided by the previous results.


optional round: number

Include results for the specified round. For performance reasons, this parameter may be disabled on some configurations. Using application-id or asset-id filters will return both creator and opt-in accounts. Filtering by include-all will return creator and opt-in accounts for deleted assets and accounts. Non-opt-in managers are not included in the results when asset-id is used.

Defined in
