app Client appClient : AppClient
Defined in src/lodash/client.ts:343 Readonly
create Transaction createTransaction : { clearState : ( params ?: { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args ?: Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > [] ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } , ) => Promise < Transaction > ; get : ( params : { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args : [ path: string ] | { path : string } ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } & { onComplete ?: NoOpOC } , ) => Promise < { methodCalls : Map < number , ABIMethod > ; signers : Map < number , TransactionSigner > ; transactions : Transaction [] ; } , > ; set : ( params : { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args : [ path: string , value: string ] | { path : string ; value : string } ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } & { onComplete ?: NoOpOC } , ) => Promise < { methodCalls : Map < number , ABIMethod > ; signers : Map < number , TransactionSigner > ; transactions : Transaction [] ; } , > ; } = ...
Type declaration clearState : ( params ?: { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args ?: Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > [] ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } , ) => Promise < Transaction > get : ( params : { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args : [ path: string ] | { path : string } ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } & { onComplete ?: NoOpOC } , ) => Promise < { methodCalls : Map < number , ABIMethod > ; signers : Map < number , TransactionSigner > ; transactions : Transaction [] ; } , > set : ( params : { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args : [ path: string , value: string ] | { path : string ; value : string } ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } & { onComplete ?: NoOpOC } , ) => Promise < { methodCalls : Map < number , ABIMethod > ; signers : Map < number , TransactionSigner > ; transactions : Transaction [] ; } , > Defined in src/lodash/client.ts:458 Readonly
params params : { clearState : ( params ?: { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args ?: Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > [] ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } , ) => AppCallParams ; get : ( params : { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args : [ path: string ] | { path : string } ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } & { onComplete ?: NoOpOC } , ) => Promise < AppCallMethodCall > ; set : ( params : { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args : [ path: string , value: string ] | { path : string ; value : string } ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } & { onComplete ?: NoOpOC } , ) => Promise < AppCallMethodCall > ; } = ...
Type declaration clearState : ( params ?: { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args ?: Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > [] ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } , ) => AppCallParams get : ( params : { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args : [ path: string ] | { path : string } ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } & { onComplete ?: NoOpOC } , ) => Promise < AppCallMethodCall > set : ( params : { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args : [ path: string , value: string ] | { path : string ; value : string } ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } & { onComplete ?: NoOpOC } , ) => Promise < AppCallMethodCall > Defined in src/lodash/client.ts:422 Readonly
send send : { clearState : ( params ?: { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args ?: Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > [] ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; coverAppCallInnerTransactionFees ?: boolean ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; maxRoundsToWaitForConfirmation ?: number ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; populateAppCallResources ?: boolean ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; suppressLog ?: boolean ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } , ) => Promise < { confirmation : PendingTransactionResponse ; confirmations : PendingTransactionResponse [] ; groupId : string ; return ?: ABIReturn ; returns ?: ABIReturn [] ; transaction : Transaction ; transactions : Transaction [] ; txIds : string [] ; } , > ; get : ( params : { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args : [ path: string ] | { path : string } ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } & SendParams & { onComplete ?: NoOpOC } , ) => Promise < { confirmation : PendingTransactionResponse ; confirmations : PendingTransactionResponse [] ; groupId : string ; return : undefined | string ; returns ?: ABIReturn [] ; transaction : Transaction ; transactions : Transaction [] ; txIds : string [] ; } , > ; set : ( params : { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args : [ path: string , value: string ] | { path : string ; value : string } ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } & SendParams & { onComplete ?: NoOpOC } , ) => Promise < { confirmation : PendingTransactionResponse ; confirmations : PendingTransactionResponse [] ; groupId : string ; return : undefined | void ; returns ?: ABIReturn [] ; transaction : Transaction ; transactions : Transaction [] ; txIds : string [] ; } , > ; } = ...
Type declaration clearState : ( params ?: { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args ?: Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > [] ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; coverAppCallInnerTransactionFees ?: boolean ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; maxRoundsToWaitForConfirmation ?: number ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; populateAppCallResources ?: boolean ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; suppressLog ?: boolean ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } , ) => Promise < { confirmation : PendingTransactionResponse ; confirmations : PendingTransactionResponse [] ; groupId : string ; return ?: ABIReturn ; returns ?: ABIReturn [] ; transaction : Transaction ; transactions : Transaction [] ; txIds : string [] ; } , > get : ( params : { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args : [ path: string ] | { path : string } ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } & SendParams & { onComplete ?: NoOpOC } , ) => Promise < { confirmation : PendingTransactionResponse ; confirmations : PendingTransactionResponse [] ; groupId : string ; return : undefined | string ; returns ?: ABIReturn [] ; transaction : Transaction ; transactions : Transaction [] ; txIds : string [] ; } , > set : ( params : { accountReferences ?: (string | Address )[] ; appReferences ?: bigint [] ; args : [ path: string , value: string ] | { path : string ; value : string } ; assetReferences ?: bigint [] ; boxReferences ?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier )[] ; extraFee ?: AlgoAmount ; firstValidRound ?: bigint ; lastValidRound ?: bigint ; lease ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; maxFee ?: AlgoAmount ; note ?: string | Uint8Array < ArrayBufferLike > ; rekeyTo ?: string | Address ; sender ?: string | Address ; signer ?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount ; staticFee ?: AlgoAmount ; validityWindow ?: number | bigint ; } & SendParams & { onComplete ?: NoOpOC } , ) => Promise < { confirmation : PendingTransactionResponse ; confirmations : PendingTransactionResponse [] ; groupId : string ; return : undefined | void ; returns ?: ABIReturn [] ; transaction : Transaction ; transactions : Transaction [] ; txIds : string [] ; } , > Defined in src/lodash/client.ts:494 state state : {} = {}
Defined in src/lodash/client.ts:542
A client to make calls to the Lodash smart contract