Exposes methods for constructing AppClient params objects for ABI calls to the Lodash smart contract





  • Constructs a no op call for the get(string)string ABI method


    • params: {
          accountReferences?: (string | Address)[];
          appReferences?: bigint[];
          args: [path: string] | { path: string };
          assetReferences?: bigint[];
          boxReferences?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier)[];
          extraFee?: AlgoAmount;
          firstValidRound?: bigint;
          lastValidRound?: bigint;
          lease?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>;
          maxFee?: AlgoAmount;
          note?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>;
          rekeyTo?: string | Address;
          sender?: string | Address;
          signer?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount;
          staticFee?: AlgoAmount;
          validityWindow?: number | bigint;
      } & CallOnComplete

      Parameters for the call

      • OptionalaccountReferences?: (string | Address)[]

        Any account addresses to add to the accounts array.

      • OptionalappReferences?: bigint[]

        The ID of any apps to load to the foreign apps array.

      • args: [path: string] | { path: string }

        The args for the ABI method call, either as an ordered array or an object

      • OptionalassetReferences?: bigint[]

        The ID of any assets to load to the foreign assets array.

      • OptionalboxReferences?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier)[]

        Any boxes to load to the boxes array.

        Either the name identifier (which will be set against app ID of 0 i.e. the current app), or a box identifier with the name identifier and app ID.

      • OptionalextraFee?: AlgoAmount

        The fee to pay IN ADDITION to the suggested fee. Useful for manually covering inner transaction fees.

      • OptionalfirstValidRound?: bigint

        Set the first round this transaction is valid. If left undefined, the value from algod will be used.

        We recommend you only set this when you intentionally want this to be some time in the future.

      • OptionallastValidRound?: bigint

        The last round this transaction is valid. It is recommended to use validityWindow instead.

      • Optionallease?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>

        Prevent multiple transactions with the same lease being included within the validity window.

        A lease enforces a mutually exclusive transaction (useful to prevent double-posting and other scenarios).

      • OptionalmaxFee?: AlgoAmount

        Throw an error if the fee for the transaction is more than this amount; prevents overspending on fees during high congestion periods.

      • Optionalnote?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>

        Note to attach to the transaction. Max of 1000 bytes.

      • OptionalrekeyTo?: string | Address

        Change the signing key of the sender to the given address.

        Warning: Please be careful with this parameter and be sure to read the official rekey guidance.

      • Optionalsender?: string | Address

        The address of the account sending the transaction, if undefined then the app client's defaultSender is used.

      • Optionalsigner?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount

        The function used to sign transaction(s); if not specified then an attempt will be made to find a registered signer for the given sender or use a default signer (if configured).

      • OptionalstaticFee?: AlgoAmount

        The static transaction fee. In most cases you want to use extraFee unless setting the fee to 0 to be covered by another transaction.

      • OptionalvalidityWindow?: number | bigint

        How many rounds the transaction should be valid for, if not specified then the registered default validity window will be used.

    Returns {
        accountReferences?: (string | Address)[];
        appReferences?: bigint[];
        args?: (
            | ABIValue
            | ABIStruct
            | AppMethodCallTransactionArgument
        assetReferences?: bigint[];
        boxReferences?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier)[];
        extraFee?: AlgoAmount;
        firstValidRound?: bigint;
        lastValidRound?: bigint;
        lease?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>;
        maxFee?: AlgoAmount;
        method: string;
        note?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>;
        onComplete?: OnApplicationComplete;
        rekeyTo?: string | Address;
        sender?: string | Address;
        signer?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount;
        staticFee?: AlgoAmount;
        validityWindow?: number | bigint;
    } & CallOnComplete

    An AppClientMethodCallParams object for the call

    • OptionalaccountReferences?: (string | Address)[]

      Any account addresses to add to the accounts array.

    • OptionalappReferences?: bigint[]

      The ID of any apps to load to the foreign apps array.

    • Optionalargs?: (undefined | ABIValue | ABIStruct | AppMethodCallTransactionArgument)[]

      Arguments to the ABI method, either:

      • An ABI value
      • An ARC-56 struct
      • A transaction with explicit signer
      • A transaction (where the signer will be automatically assigned)
      • An unawaited transaction (e.g. from algorand.createTransaction.transactionType())
      • Another method call (via method call params object)
      • undefined (this represents a placeholder for either a default argument or a transaction argument that is fulfilled by another method call argument)
    • OptionalassetReferences?: bigint[]

      The ID of any assets to load to the foreign assets array.

    • OptionalboxReferences?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier)[]

      Any boxes to load to the boxes array.

      Either the name identifier (which will be set against app ID of 0 i.e. the current app), or a box identifier with the name identifier and app ID.

    • OptionalextraFee?: AlgoAmount

      The fee to pay IN ADDITION to the suggested fee. Useful for manually covering inner transaction fees.

    • OptionalfirstValidRound?: bigint

      Set the first round this transaction is valid. If left undefined, the value from algod will be used.

      We recommend you only set this when you intentionally want this to be some time in the future.

    • OptionallastValidRound?: bigint

      The last round this transaction is valid. It is recommended to use validityWindow instead.

    • Optionallease?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>

      Prevent multiple transactions with the same lease being included within the validity window.

      A lease enforces a mutually exclusive transaction (useful to prevent double-posting and other scenarios).

    • OptionalmaxFee?: AlgoAmount

      Throw an error if the fee for the transaction is more than this amount; prevents overspending on fees during high congestion periods.

    • method: string

      The method name or method signature to call if an ABI call is being emitted

      Method name
      Method signature
    • Optionalnote?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>

      Note to attach to the transaction. Max of 1000 bytes.

    • OptionalonComplete?: OnApplicationComplete

      The on-complete action of the call; defaults to no-op.

    • OptionalrekeyTo?: string | Address

      Change the signing key of the sender to the given address.

      Warning: Please be careful with this parameter and be sure to read the official rekey guidance.

    • Optionalsender?: string | Address

      The address of the account sending the transaction, if undefined then the app client's defaultSender is used.

    • Optionalsigner?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount

      The function used to sign transaction(s); if not specified then an attempt will be made to find a registered signer for the given sender or use a default signer (if configured).

    • OptionalstaticFee?: AlgoAmount

      The static transaction fee. In most cases you want to use extraFee unless setting the fee to 0 to be covered by another transaction.

    • OptionalvalidityWindow?: number | bigint

      How many rounds the transaction should be valid for, if not specified then the registered default validity window will be used.

  • Constructs a no op call for the set(string,string)void ABI method


    • params: {
          accountReferences?: (string | Address)[];
          appReferences?: bigint[];
          args: [path: string, value: string] | { path: string; value: string };
          assetReferences?: bigint[];
          boxReferences?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier)[];
          extraFee?: AlgoAmount;
          firstValidRound?: bigint;
          lastValidRound?: bigint;
          lease?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>;
          maxFee?: AlgoAmount;
          note?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>;
          rekeyTo?: string | Address;
          sender?: string | Address;
          signer?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount;
          staticFee?: AlgoAmount;
          validityWindow?: number | bigint;
      } & CallOnComplete

      Parameters for the call

      • OptionalaccountReferences?: (string | Address)[]

        Any account addresses to add to the accounts array.

      • OptionalappReferences?: bigint[]

        The ID of any apps to load to the foreign apps array.

      • args: [path: string, value: string] | { path: string; value: string }

        The args for the ABI method call, either as an ordered array or an object

      • OptionalassetReferences?: bigint[]

        The ID of any assets to load to the foreign assets array.

      • OptionalboxReferences?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier)[]

        Any boxes to load to the boxes array.

        Either the name identifier (which will be set against app ID of 0 i.e. the current app), or a box identifier with the name identifier and app ID.

      • OptionalextraFee?: AlgoAmount

        The fee to pay IN ADDITION to the suggested fee. Useful for manually covering inner transaction fees.

      • OptionalfirstValidRound?: bigint

        Set the first round this transaction is valid. If left undefined, the value from algod will be used.

        We recommend you only set this when you intentionally want this to be some time in the future.

      • OptionallastValidRound?: bigint

        The last round this transaction is valid. It is recommended to use validityWindow instead.

      • Optionallease?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>

        Prevent multiple transactions with the same lease being included within the validity window.

        A lease enforces a mutually exclusive transaction (useful to prevent double-posting and other scenarios).

      • OptionalmaxFee?: AlgoAmount

        Throw an error if the fee for the transaction is more than this amount; prevents overspending on fees during high congestion periods.

      • Optionalnote?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>

        Note to attach to the transaction. Max of 1000 bytes.

      • OptionalrekeyTo?: string | Address

        Change the signing key of the sender to the given address.

        Warning: Please be careful with this parameter and be sure to read the official rekey guidance.

      • Optionalsender?: string | Address

        The address of the account sending the transaction, if undefined then the app client's defaultSender is used.

      • Optionalsigner?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount

        The function used to sign transaction(s); if not specified then an attempt will be made to find a registered signer for the given sender or use a default signer (if configured).

      • OptionalstaticFee?: AlgoAmount

        The static transaction fee. In most cases you want to use extraFee unless setting the fee to 0 to be covered by another transaction.

      • OptionalvalidityWindow?: number | bigint

        How many rounds the transaction should be valid for, if not specified then the registered default validity window will be used.

    Returns {
        accountReferences?: (string | Address)[];
        appReferences?: bigint[];
        args?: (
            | ABIValue
            | ABIStruct
            | AppMethodCallTransactionArgument
        assetReferences?: bigint[];
        boxReferences?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier)[];
        extraFee?: AlgoAmount;
        firstValidRound?: bigint;
        lastValidRound?: bigint;
        lease?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>;
        maxFee?: AlgoAmount;
        method: string;
        note?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>;
        onComplete?: OnApplicationComplete;
        rekeyTo?: string | Address;
        sender?: string | Address;
        signer?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount;
        staticFee?: AlgoAmount;
        validityWindow?: number | bigint;
    } & CallOnComplete

    An AppClientMethodCallParams object for the call

    • OptionalaccountReferences?: (string | Address)[]

      Any account addresses to add to the accounts array.

    • OptionalappReferences?: bigint[]

      The ID of any apps to load to the foreign apps array.

    • Optionalargs?: (undefined | ABIValue | ABIStruct | AppMethodCallTransactionArgument)[]

      Arguments to the ABI method, either:

      • An ABI value
      • An ARC-56 struct
      • A transaction with explicit signer
      • A transaction (where the signer will be automatically assigned)
      • An unawaited transaction (e.g. from algorand.createTransaction.transactionType())
      • Another method call (via method call params object)
      • undefined (this represents a placeholder for either a default argument or a transaction argument that is fulfilled by another method call argument)
    • OptionalassetReferences?: bigint[]

      The ID of any assets to load to the foreign assets array.

    • OptionalboxReferences?: (BoxReference | BoxIdentifier)[]

      Any boxes to load to the boxes array.

      Either the name identifier (which will be set against app ID of 0 i.e. the current app), or a box identifier with the name identifier and app ID.

    • OptionalextraFee?: AlgoAmount

      The fee to pay IN ADDITION to the suggested fee. Useful for manually covering inner transaction fees.

    • OptionalfirstValidRound?: bigint

      Set the first round this transaction is valid. If left undefined, the value from algod will be used.

      We recommend you only set this when you intentionally want this to be some time in the future.

    • OptionallastValidRound?: bigint

      The last round this transaction is valid. It is recommended to use validityWindow instead.

    • Optionallease?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>

      Prevent multiple transactions with the same lease being included within the validity window.

      A lease enforces a mutually exclusive transaction (useful to prevent double-posting and other scenarios).

    • OptionalmaxFee?: AlgoAmount

      Throw an error if the fee for the transaction is more than this amount; prevents overspending on fees during high congestion periods.

    • method: string

      The method name or method signature to call if an ABI call is being emitted

      Method name
      Method signature
    • Optionalnote?: string | Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>

      Note to attach to the transaction. Max of 1000 bytes.

    • OptionalonComplete?: OnApplicationComplete

      The on-complete action of the call; defaults to no-op.

    • OptionalrekeyTo?: string | Address

      Change the signing key of the sender to the given address.

      Warning: Please be careful with this parameter and be sure to read the official rekey guidance.

    • Optionalsender?: string | Address

      The address of the account sending the transaction, if undefined then the app client's defaultSender is used.

    • Optionalsigner?: TransactionSigner | TransactionSignerAccount

      The function used to sign transaction(s); if not specified then an attempt will be made to find a registered signer for the given sender or use a default signer (if configured).

    • OptionalstaticFee?: AlgoAmount

      The static transaction fee. In most cases you want to use extraFee unless setting the fee to 0 to be covered by another transaction.

    • OptionalvalidityWindow?: number | bigint

      How many rounds the transaction should be valid for, if not specified then the registered default validity window will be used.