Params: {
    algorand: AlgorandClient;
    appId?: bigint;
    deployer: Deployer;
    options?: T;

Represents the parameters required for initializing and interacting with the StoreKit library.

Type Parameters

  • T

    The type of the state managed by the store. This may be omitted in favor of type inference.

Type declaration

  • algorand: AlgorandClient

    Instance of the AlgorandClient used for network interactions.

  • OptionalappId?: bigint

    Optional identifier for the associated application on the Algorand blockchain.

    When provided, the appId is used to identify the application state managed by the store. Otherwise, the store will attempt to deploy a new contract.

  • deployer: Deployer

    Represents a smart contract wallet capable of signing transactions. A Deployer is critical for managing interactions with Algorand smart contracts. It facilitates operations such as deploying and interacting with applications by ensuring all transactions are signed appropriately. See AppDeployer for more information

  • Optionaloptions?: T

    Optional additional configuration or options specific to the use case.

const algorand = AlgorandClient.fromEnvironment()
const deployer = await algorand.account.fromEnvironment('DEPLOYER')
const params = {
options: {
foo: "bar"